What are third-party cookies?
Third-party cookies are data recorded in the browsing history of those who browse the web. Everything we do on the Internet leaves traces that translate into information about our behavior when visiting websites.
Much of this data allows us to:
Personalize experiences when visiting and browsing a website.
View activity on a website and visitors' interest in products and content.
Understand which pages of a website generate the most engagement.
Create ads.
Why is the end of third-party cookies?
In early January 2020, Google announced that third-party cookies would no longer be available to businesses, beginning a gradual discontinuation process that will end in 2022. Firefox and Safari browsers have been blocking third-party cookies for some time now, to ensure secure and tracker-free browsing.
These cookies are described by many people as "intrusive". For example, when that pair of shoes you saw on a site starts following you wherever you go across the web. With the advent of retargeting, users became convinced that they are being watched, followed and -even- listened to, so they have been adopting mechanisms to block cookies.
How to live in a cookie-less world?
Adobe Experience Cloud highlights the value of a proprietary data strategy, known as First Party Cookies or First Party Data, to consolidate a customer experience based on information that a company captures with the user's consent from a direct source.
Those companies that have adopted a strategy to collect data are the ones that will win in the long run. In a post-third-party cookie world, data becomes one of the most important strategic assets a business can have.
To welcome this new reality, here are some tips:
Interactive content is a great example of this. Users have the option to interact with them in exchange for some benefit.
In interaction strategies, it is always possible to collect data in a more genuine exchange relationship. The user will know that they are providing their information.
Another interesting possibility is Content Marketing, especially through ebooks. To access these materials, the user must fill in simple forms with their data.
Today it is more important than ever for companies to develop new ways to build trust and in parallel to collect customer data and improve privacy policies. The result? Elevating the human experience and increasing the lifetime value of those interested in our products or services...
If you are looking for a team of experts to develop forward-looking strategies without cookies, we invite you to set up a meeting with our team. Click here